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Winter Term 2016/17, Doctoral School Events
2016-11-11 Doctoral School Seminar (Inst. Mathematik, Heinrichstr. 36, SR 11.34, 14:00—16:30, KFU)
A. Zubkova (KFU, advisor V. Kovtuneko): Introduction to the unfolding technique [show abstract]
J. McMahon (KFU, advisor K. Baur): Higher Frieze Patterns [show abstract]
L. Andritsch (KFU, advisor K. Baur): Boundary algebra of a GL2-dimer [show abstract]
2016-12-16 Doctoral School Seminar (Seminarraum 2 des Instituts für Geometrie, Kopernikusgasse 24, 10:00 (coffee break) 10:30—11:30, TU)
Daniel Ganellari (KFU, advisor G. Haase): Fast many-core solvers for the Eikonal equations in cardiovascular simulations [show abstract]
Stefan Planitzer (TU, advisor C. Elsholtz): Sequences with Property P [show abstract]
2017-01-20 Doctoral School Seminar (Inst. Mathematik, Heinrichstr. 36, SR 11.34, 14:00—16:30, KFU)
Stefan Lendl (TU, advisor B. Klinz): Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Interaction Costs

Abstract: We introduce combinatorial optimization problems with interaction costs (COPIC), which generalize many optimization problems studied in the literature. Given two sets of feasible 0-1-vectors F1 and F2, a cost matrix Q and two cost vectors c and d, we want to minimize x'Qy + c'x + d'y subject to x ∈ F1, y ∈ F2. The unconstrained 0-1 version of this problem is already known to be NP-hard.
We show polynomial time solvability of COPIC, if the rank of the cost matrix Q is fixed, F1 is a set of unconstrained 0-1 vectors and the linear optimization problem with F2 as its set of feasible solutions is solvable in polynomial time.
The case where Q is a diagonal matrix (diagonal-COPIC) already contains many well-known problems as special cases (disjoint spanning tree problem, disjoint path problems, ...). For diagonal-COPIC we obtain results about the computational complexity and polynomially solvable special cases for different choices of feasible sets F1 and F2.
This is joint work with Ante Ćustić and Abraham Punnen.[hide abstract]

Sarah-Lena Bonkhoff (TU, advisor O. Steinbach): Space-Time Boundary Integral Equations of the Time Fractional Diffusion Equation [show abstract]
Sarah Karasek (TU, advisor H. Friedl): Mixture Models for a Statistical Grayscale Image Analysis [show abstract]